Serving the Westchester Home Care Community
with over 44 years of combined experience in wellness and health
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Your Core Works Physical Therapy utilizes personalized therapeutic interventions to alleviate chronic pain, bring balance, and promote healing to the pelvis, an intimate yet vital part of the human body. Your Core Works Physical Therapy uses specialized techniques to re-route pain through guided breath work, a strengthening of the deep abdominals and low back muscles (the core), an increase in body awareness, and muscle re-education to regain control over pain. Treatment occurs from the inside out (core outward) and from a place of support and connectivity.
What We Treat
Men may experience urinary/bowel symptoms and pelvic pain when the prostate gland becomes inflamed.
Scar Tissue may form in the surgical area and motion may become restricted thus decreasing overall function of the surrounding areas.
This can be describe as tailbone pain and tightness and inability to sit due to pain.
This can be described pain with sex due to a painful bladder , painful pelvic muscles and or painful vulval skin (vulvodynia).
This is pain occurring with sex both during and after intercourse.
This is described as pelvic pain which worsens with sitting and is relieved with standing. This can cause urinary/bowel/sexual dysfunction.
This is difficulty having a bowel movement due to spastic pelvic floor muscles.
Did you know that nearly 50% of people with pelvic pain feel sad or depressed?
An involuntary loss of urine. Can be stress, urge, or combination of incontinence types
Bladder pain greater than 3 months accompanied by urgency (pain, pressure, or burning), increased frequency, and pain in pelvic area.
Infrequent bowel movements or bowel movements that are small, hard, and/or difficult to pass.
Occurs with long term constipation.
Involuntary loss of urine with or preceded by a strong need to urinate.
Can occur due to a disease ( urinary tract infection or others) or without disease (holding urine too long).
Involuntary loss of urine with physical activity.
May have urgency, increased frequency, or a sense of bladder not totally emptying. This may occur with or without pelvic pain.
Did you know that leaking at any time throughout your life is not normal?
Pre & Post Partum
Prevention of pregnancy complications and overall maternal wellness: Injuries can occur more easily due to repetitive strain, poor body mechanics, overall muscle fatigue and the relaxation of ligaments. Regaining core fitness and strength post partum is a vital part of pregnancy that is often forgotten. Many women can benefit from a specialized therapist who can reintroduce old exercises safely and/or reinvent a new program based on the mother’s post partum needs.
Women may see a bulge or pouch in her belly area after pregnancy due to overstretching of the abdominal muscles.
Women may see or feel one of her pelvic organs bulge out through her vagina. This can be due to pressures and ligament laxity during pregnancy and while breast feeding. C-section scars, episiotomy scars/perineal tears Scar tissue can result from incisions that have healed unevenly and bind down. This can restrict movement and even refer bladder pain.
The connection between a woman and her pelvic floor muscles can become disrupted during and after pregnancy. This can lead to a myriad of other problems that can affect a woman’s quality of life.
“It will go away after you give birth”, but what if it doesn’t. Most women who have untreated back pain before pregnancy will most likely experience pain after. Incontinence “Leaking” urine is normal up to 4 weeks post partum. After that time period most leaking should be considered abnormal.
Women have shortness of breath during pregnancy due to pressure of her diaphragm from the growing uterus. Poor posture, poor body mechanics and inefficient breathing patterns are prevalent pre and post partum.
Did you know that most physical ailments felt during and/or after your pregnancy can be treated with physical therapy?
This can be described as pain in the rectum usually due to chronically tightened pelvic floor muscles.
This joint connects the sacrum to the pelvis. Clients describe pain located in the low back, buttocks, groin and sometimes to the legs.
This pain can be described as shooting down one or both legs. Pain can be felt in one area of the body and the cause of such pain can originate from a different location.
This can be described as having pins and needles in a specific area which may refer from a herniated disc, nerve injury and/or core muscle/hip weakness.
Pelvic muscles are a hammock of support for pelvic organs (uterus, bladder, bowel). A disruption to the one or all of these muscles can cause pain in the pelvic region, hip area and low back area.
Did you know that only about 15% of Low Back Pain cases can be attributed to a specific cause?
Additional Specialties

Your Core Works Physical Therapy currently offers other therapies in addition to our Pelvic Floor Therapy. These therapies may benefit those who are chairfast and homebound. Experience has led us to be able to work with the more physically and medically challenged population .
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Your Core Works Physical Therapy is a home based physical therapy practice serving clients that reside in Westchester County.